Hard veto on that one

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, my girlfriend named our daughter Aspen. Ass. Pen. When I hear her name I will always think of a pen in a butthole. No doubt her future classmates will too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 193
You deserved it 1 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most people hear Aspen and think of skiing or beautiful trees. How old are you??

Aspen is a cute name, I'm pretty sure it's rising in popularity, and it's the name of a common tree. I think you're being a bit weird about it.


catnipcelly 4

Aspen isn't a weird name, everyone mostly think's of a tree or just a name?? You're just a bit weird for thinking that, but now I can't un-hear that dumb pronunciation

corky1992 33

I personally know someone with the name Aspen and I have NEVER thought of this. Wtf lol. It is actually a common name. You’re just an idiot lol.

You seem like you’re probably too immature to have had a kid. You’ve never heard of an Aspen tree?

Thanks a lot, OP, I never would have thought of an ass pen until you mentioned it- now it's going to pop into my mind whenever I hear Aspen. You suck.

Why didn't you help your girlfriend name your child?

I’ve never thought of that name/word like that....but I sure as hell do now. Aspen was so pretty. not anymore 😂

You should look into getting some balls

Unless you tell everyone you encounter, most of them will think of the tree rather than an ass pen. Which, come on, dude. You're a dad now. lol

I hear Aspen and I think of a tree or the city in Colorado. If you're so immature you think of pens in buttholes, you probably should not have bred yet.