By Kensie - 04/03/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, it is mine and my twin sister's birthday. We both wanted a day at the spa for our birthday. My sister got a gift certificate to the spa, while I got mouthwash and a $20 gift card to Target. My mom said it would cost too much to make me also pretty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 121 783
You deserved it 5 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a douchey thing to do! If they couldn't afford it for both, they shouldn't have given it to one. I'm sorry, man.

:( that sucks! Way to go mom *rolls eyes*


I wouldve dumped the mouthwash ALL over your mom's bed for saying that shit. ouch. is she RETARDED? You''re TWINS.

glitter_kiss 0

i would have waited till she was asleep and poured the mouthwash all over her face and ran like hell and locked my room. or;use the whole bottle and pour it back and give it to ur mom for her birthday. lol

Use the gift card to buy a book on revenge. Then give your mom the cold shoulder and avoid talking to her.

sparxva 12

Wow, your mom's a bitch and a half. Remember this when you choose her nursing home.

i_love_fml_11 0

If you both got gift cards I don't understand why your parents couldn't have given each of you two gift cards with equal amounts to both places. You might be prettier so you can take it as an overall compliment but still... If your sister was nice, she'd share the gift card with you to the spa :)

Lovebug27 0

#119 do u get the point of twins

XxCoolPersonxX 0

at least she said "also" as in she isn't the pretty twin...uet

tell your mom for me thats she's ans unfair bitch who plays favorites and shouldn't be fit to parent. and my mom agrees who is also a twin, and my auntie her twin, and my grandma. if you can't afford both, then don't give to one and not the other.