By Kensie - 04/03/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, it is mine and my twin sister's birthday. We both wanted a day at the spa for our birthday. My sister got a gift certificate to the spa, while I got mouthwash and a $20 gift card to Target. My mom said it would cost too much to make me also pretty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 121 788
You deserved it 5 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a douchey thing to do! If they couldn't afford it for both, they shouldn't have given it to one. I'm sorry, man.

:( that sucks! Way to go mom *rolls eyes*


That happens to me too. My sister gets ipod speakers and jewelry, while I get an appointment with a therapist. I hate birthdays.

In real life: This is beyond unacceptable. On Youtube: This is hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCF3ywukQYA

Use peroxide instead of mouthwash. Dilute with water; use after brushing and flossing. Oh, and floss. Don't forget the regular dental cleanings...

Meats 0

Dude. You should have looked in your mother's eyes. Very calm like. And told her "one day, you will be too old to care for yourself. You will need help. Remember this. Because I will."

mcrfreakx3 0
DoYouKnowPascal 0

I'm a twin, too. My mom was always basically grounding BOTH of us whenever she'd **** up (which was often). Parents need to treat their kids equally.

Oh dude. that almost sounds fake, its so mean.. she got a spa, you got told your breath stinks, and that you shop at target.. fail. **** your life.

That's so horrible... awful parent stories like these make me angry. =/