Healthy lifestyle

By healthfoodshmealthfood - 17/11/2011 14:34 - United States

Today, after years of training myself to crave healthier foods in order to lose weight, I found out that some of my favorite health foods actually aggravate my hypothyroidism, and indirectly reduce my metabolism. Broccoli and soybeans are making me fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 975
You deserved it 3 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nater535 7

I always knew my parents were wrong when they told me to eat my broccoli!

Lol! I recommend delicious meat and workouts :)


Oh no! How could anyone give up broccoli and soybeans? cough...cough...

cradle6 13

Soy is in so many processed foods. But it really should be avoided by anyone who is trying to lose weight, as it has many estrogen-like effects.

Go get your thyroid removed and use HCG and do the HCG diet. You'll lose weight in no time.

She has hypothyroidism, meaning her thyroid isn't secreting enough thyroid hormone. What good would removing it be? I've never heard of a thyroidectomy being done as weight-loss surgery. You should write it up. I'm sure all the medical journals would be clamoring for your data.

Note to self: take irishman1989's idea and become the leading doctor on the subject, then bring in the money. (evil laugh)

flockz 19

note to self: never trust teenage doctors that laugh like hyenas. (puts wallet back in pocket and walks away lauging)

stacianichole 2

12 - I get the feeling you don't actually know what a thyroid is.

LOL Doc: 1. Your rant about comments from your info is HILARIOUS. 2. Wtf to your pic. I got to your info because I wanted to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. Thanks for clarifying via your info lol. Mind reader. Yes, I just commented on your pic. Bring it! 3. Paragraphs 3&4: narcissism at it's best Try to tone it down for us common folk, doc. 4. Wow your patient is a dumbass. Backstory without breaking confidentiality? I'm really concerned and intrigued at the same time. 5. How did you know I'm female?

Does it really?! I didn't know that. I'll look it up now.

maxwells_hammer 5

Well at least you're still healthier then you were before.

Instead of training yourself to "crave" things why don't you just eat them out of free will?

I guess I wasn't aware you could train yourself to crave food that taste like shit. Sounds handy. How do I begin?

I actually love broccoli! I used to not like it when I was younger, but I love it now. :)

smbio 17

Uh huh... sure... I think it was the twinkies and pints of ice cream in between each bite of broccoli that made you fat.

You got that from experience with yourself?

lwilso41 5

@12, you need to have HYPERthyroidism, as in extra thyroid hormone, to lose weight, removing the gland that releases that hormone to acheive an end goal of losing weight makes no sense.

There is a reply button for a reason. No, it isn't thread jacking...

Well, yeah. I guess so.... if you each a bucket of each at every meal. You can get fat eating watermelon too.

Torva_fml 16