
By mel - 30/08/2009 15:23 - United States

Today, I had a stressful day at work and decided to go in the jacuzzi. I hadn't used it for a year, so it was a little dirty. After I cleaned it, filled it up, and jumped in, I pressed the jets. Immediately, thousands of dead moths shot out at full speed towards me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 947
You deserved it 15 810

Same thing different taste

Relax, don't do it

By Anonymous - 21/08/2023 06:00 - Canada - Windsor

Today, I was excited to finally use the expensive bath bombs I'd been saving. I filled the tub, dropped one in, and settled in for a relaxing soak. The bath bomb fizzed so much that it created a bubble mountain that spilled over, flooding my bathroom with colorful suds. My "relaxing" bath turned into a Slip 'N Slide adventure as I tried to mop up the mess in my birthday suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 610
You deserved it 181

Top comments

LOL. right when you turned it on, i was gonna call something shooting at you. FYL, but YDI for not checking the jets.


GR3453m0nk3y 4

there are you guys happy??? the OP changed it to "I pressed the jets" instead of "i proceeded to press the jets"

That's gross, i feel bad for you. Maybe clean up better next time?

Maybe that was its high-pressure massage mechanism. I'd check the manual if I were you.

mohamedrocks 0

I work at a pool place. If it is that dirty you want to shock the jacuzzi first and then DRAIN IT. Reason being is that moths sound harmless but not Folliculitis. Basically bacteria that are trapped in teh stagnant water multiply and invade your hair follicles when you turn on teh jets. Seeing that warm water = opens your pores more, more likelihood of getting it. So make sure you clean that thing before you use it or you'll be going to a dermatologist to get an expensive cream to take care of it.

sugar_407 0

uh, why would you shock a jacuzzi tub ? not a hot tub.

Uh, because Jacuzzi makes two different types of spas. Indoor bathtub styles with jets (they drain) and also outdoor fully contained hot tub units. Plus I've seen many of those inside fill up tubs have lovely black crap shoot out of the jets when first started. So you're telling me that you'd rather sit your @$$ in such tub without killing anything with chlorine? Have at it. I've seen a number of cases of infected hair follicles and spa lung than I care to remember.

Always check the jets!! That's where all the fugly bugly things like to hide.

doubleAbattery 0

I thought I had developed a tough layer of skin when it came to disgusting FMLs, but this one made me shudder and gag. Seriously, that is revolting.

JJawbreakerr 0

Awh poor moths! They were all dead? How dreadful for them ... ): OH and you too! TO have to witness the tiny corpses of deceased moths in your jacuzzi. xD

annamg 0

Oh man, that's hilariously bad