
By living_thedream - 14/01/2013 06:51 - United States - Bethpage

Today, while living in Florida, I had a conversation with my mother explaining that it might be best for me to come back home. Her response, "Don't worry, they have plenty of homeless shelters down there if you need a place to stay." Thanks Mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 899
You deserved it 3 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blcksocks 19

Please don't bring the innocent pillow sham into this.

iarefatal 9

I feel like she is trying to tell you something OP, and she isn't being very subtle.


seansbro56 10

It is okay she is obviously just kidding. She still loves you.

Schizomaniac 24

She didn't want you to come home to see the appliances in knitted cl- NO. I will not succumb to this referencing previous FMLs bullshit. It's overused now.

Wow makes me glad to at least have a 30' camper trailer to go to.

Please don't worry about your mom, I'm sure you can go back home. Sometimes mothers can be down right mean . I'm sure your mother doesn't want you in a homeless shelter ! Have a happy new year and god bless you !

Holy cow what the hell is wrong with this comment? I said nothing wrong !

5280420 13

Maybe it's time to figure out how to support yourself?

I'm guessing you're old enough to support yourself? So there. That.

Even when someone is old enough, doesn't mean they should be left in the street if things don't work out for them.... if your parents don't support you, who will?

TheDrifter 23

I do believe that the idea is for OP to learn to do it on their own. Children have to grow up eventually.

One way to learn to swim is by jumping in at the deep end and kicking for your life... better tried if someone is watching though.

Whenever I go back home, there's always an available trash can to sleep in!

Epikouros 31

Isn't it warm enough to sleep outside in Florida?

Yep, it is but be aware that an endless number of homeless people may come by and steal your stuff while you're sleeping and some might eat your face off. :P

Epikouros 31

LOL, I forgot about the face-eaters. And the alligators.

kc1997kc 9

It's unhealthy to sleep outside here for too many days in a row because of the heat. Depending on how used to it you are you are at risk of heat stroke. It's like 89 now and it's after dark.

On top of that, mosquitoes in florida are awful!