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By Invisible - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was marked absent from my math class because nobody in my class noticed I was there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 269
You deserved it 5 854

Top comments

xolotl 0

Oh, that's a definite FML. Sorry to hear that. I can imagine how that feels. :(

For those of you who remark about speaking up, there are more than just elementary schools. Later on, many teachers and professors will just read their list and look for the class. It's inefficient to do roll call when they can skim the list much more quickly.


xolotl 0

Oh, that's a definite FML. Sorry to hear that. I can imagine how that feels. :(

i think that alot of people are absent minded. not alot of people pay attention now a days. the teacher looked at me one time and even called my name and he marked me as absent! like its crazy but next time it happens most deff complain about it. my school ha cameras thats how i prove i wa in class.

That's terrible... but terribly funny. I literally lol'd.

Same thing happened to me but it was during an exam and (until I corrected them) I got a fail because I was marked absent.

I didn't laugh at all. Go talk to a counselor.

majellah 0

That actually happened to me yesterday. Half of my class of 12 didn't noticed I was in class. How do you manage that?

xolotl 0

#5, I've had professors (currently have one now) that don't call names to take roll. They just go through the roster quietly.

Idyedmyhairblack 0

happened to me too.. i got a detention..

ever heard of speaking up, for example "present" or "here"

haygurlhay 0

Don't worry, my homeroom teacher has marked me absent when I was there three times this year.

For those of you who remark about speaking up, there are more than just elementary schools. Later on, many teachers and professors will just read their list and look for the class. It's inefficient to do roll call when they can skim the list much more quickly.