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By Invisible - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was marked absent from my math class because nobody in my class noticed I was there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 269
You deserved it 5 854

Top comments

xolotl 0

Oh, that's a definite FML. Sorry to hear that. I can imagine how that feels. :(

For those of you who remark about speaking up, there are more than just elementary schools. Later on, many teachers and professors will just read their list and look for the class. It's inefficient to do roll call when they can skim the list much more quickly.


HOLLAcaust 0

Something like that happened to me. One of the boys in my class saw me at the bus stop and asked me if I transferred to lower campus, because he hadn't seen me for the past few days. I said,"No. I've been here all week." And the assistant teacher behind us laughed.

That used to happen to me all the time last year at school, because I'm a quiet person. It sucks.

gracky_fml 0

#14... just because this person is quiet, and doesn't kiss ass in school, doesn't mean he or she doesn't have a personality. Maybe it's not their goal in life to have their teacher notice them... Hell, it shouldn't be anyone's goal, it's not like this teacher is god.. Teachers should know by now that there are quiet kids, and they should work around that. And you are probably the annoying kid in class who everyone wants to slap and tell to shut the hell up, so stop giving advice to the nice kid, quiet kid, who is never rude or speaks out of place.

I laugh at most of these but I cannot laugh at that. I know how that feels, and it doesn't feel good. I'm sorry.

:( I agree with #4 u should talk to a counselor....and ur friends

Oh god, you poor thing. I used to wonder if anyone ever noticed me in high school. I had the same teacher for two classes IN A ROW and she often marked me absent from just one because she didn't notice me when taking attendance.

Dunne147 0

why didn't you just say you were there when the teacher was taking attendance?

Same thing happened to me in high school.....