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By Invisible - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was marked absent from my math class because nobody in my class noticed I was there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 269
You deserved it 5 854

Top comments

xolotl 0

Oh, that's a definite FML. Sorry to hear that. I can imagine how that feels. :(

For those of you who remark about speaking up, there are more than just elementary schools. Later on, many teachers and professors will just read their list and look for the class. It's inefficient to do roll call when they can skim the list much more quickly.


xocassylovesyou 0

That's your own fault for not being talkative. ---Cassy

damnn_fml 0

omg that totally happened to me one day- my teacher noticed me at the end of class and was like when did you get here? ... i was there the whole class

RockingRyan12 0

YDI for not being noticable.

Bend_over 4

55: That happened to me too, more than once. So it might not be a fake…some teachers/professors go through the attendance quickly or don't do it all, sometimes they will just look around the room: you could be at the bathroom or 3-5 people say, you're sick or just out of your seat, and they will mark you absence.

Hugs. Couldnt you just kinda say im here tho?

CoffeeCovered 0

That sucks. D: I'm surprised that hasn't already happened to me...

friskywisky 0

omg, this happened to me! i was in science, and the teacher kept calling my name, and i was waveing my hand and saying "im here!" and then later in class he asked "when did u get here?"

rety1 13

I almost had to go to court because I was constantly marked absent in my home room because no one noticed me.. I had almost 20 absences I think but I really only had like 3...