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By Invisible - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was marked absent from my math class because nobody in my class noticed I was there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 269
You deserved it 5 854

Top comments

xolotl 0

Oh, that's a definite FML. Sorry to hear that. I can imagine how that feels. :(

For those of you who remark about speaking up, there are more than just elementary schools. Later on, many teachers and professors will just read their list and look for the class. It's inefficient to do roll call when they can skim the list much more quickly.


Ah...don't worry. The teacher could have been in a hurry or maybe you weren't in the teacher's line of sight. It happened to me too once or twice in High School, but only because our desks were arranged in such a way that I wasn't visible from the the teacher's desk hehe. (And the fact I'm short-ish and skinny-ish probaly didn't help either haha)

xPediophobia 0

I've had that before too. And I sit right in front of my teacher and he looks at me every lesson. >.>

next time make a grand entrance... when u go into the math class... kick the tutor in the ass b4 sitting down and rmb to shout out who did it

alwaysalady 0

I was so tiny and quiet in high school I had the same teacher repeatedly introduce me as a new student. She was just like, "Hello, there! We have a new girl. When did you get here?" I had other teachers who didn't even know I was in their class. I don't know how it happens, especially when they give you a grade.

i was absent and the marked me as present....4 classes later they assumed i ditched and wrote me up

dizzydewey 0

dude that really sucks, im sorry

Jevi_fml 0

You should watch arrested development. Great show...