Hello there!

By Username - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after pulling an all-nighter, I had the pleasure of meeting my girlfriend's mother for the very first time. She walked in on me in the bathroom; I'd completely lost focus and fallen asleep while taking a shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 283
You deserved it 27 739

Top comments

You should have told her that it was your office, and you'd had a long night of overtime.

Probably because you don't have a girlfriend.


You clogged the toilet too, right? That woulda been great!!!

littlebbitch 0
nevershouttami 11

Tell her you have narcolepsy.

In reference to 42 it's not hard if you've got I funny or a magazine and you're tired

mwali02 32

I hate to say this, but it really could be worse. You are a hard working man, and you are employed. All of these really work to your advantage, especially if you are truly a man after her daughters heart. Think positive, and cheers to better future encounters with the inlaws! :)