
By Anonymous - 07/05/2012 05:25 - United States - North Bergen

Today, I went to a river near my house. They have several swing ropes that you grab and then jump into the river. As I was about to let go of the rope, my leg got tangled and I was held underwater. My mom watched and laughed for a while before she came to help me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 646
You deserved it 3 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sierra142 19

If you were underwater how do you know she was laughing?

Nice mother! Always there to save you!


xStaciexLynnx 15

I've never done this so I don't have much of a basis but how does that even happen? You have to be the most talented clumsy person alive to get it twisted so much in one swing that you get stuck.

Could you not, idk, swim to the surface? YDI

BeThePanda 1

" As I was about to let go of the rope, my leg got tangled and I was held underwater." Apparently, you missed this part.

TheDrifter 23

It's a stuck leg, she could use her, I don't know, ARMS maybe and swim. Op sounds like a massive drama queen.

Llama_Face89 33

Her leg was tangled in the rope. Kinda hard to swim when you're hanging upside down and not completely in the water.

xStaciexLynnx 15

So lift your body out of the water using your muscles?

You copied that from ray william johnson much?

At least it wasn't final destination

Final destination deaths are far funnier and complicated. At least OP didn't get his/her guts sucked out through their anus.

linkinpark98 23

Last time I went on a rope swing, I ended up getting caught in a fallen tree under water, and I wasn't able to swim to surface, and almost drowned. :( I hate rope swings!

Thuban 0

Thank goodness you weren't getting sucked down by the Strid :/

Jajajajajaja... Your mom is cool... You aren't

Yeah, kids who are in danger are not cool, but irresponsible mothers are. Is Casey Anthony your hero?

Yeah, of course, because this kid is a todler... -_-" Seriously, how old do you thing this "kid" is?? I bet she is older than 10... And Casey Anthony?? Seriously?? You compare her to that monster?? Get real!!

1) I didn't 'compare' her. Reread my comment. 2) Think how hard it is to untie your foot when you're hanging upside down, no matter what age.

The fact you mention her for this particular case is already a comparison... And yes it is difficult, believe me, I know... That's why I know if you really were drowning, your adrenaline would make you untie... One thing is for sure, that girl got scared as ever

63) You do know that there are certain disabilities out there that make them panic under even the simplest of situations, so don't you DARE say that an adrenaline could give OP "super strength" enough to pull herself out of the water, next time try summing up all the possibilities before you make assumptions.

ByronJess 17

If adrenaline always worked, no one would ever die in situations like that. Just saying.

FloreatEtona_fml 2

That's when you get up and push her in the water and laugh.