By whyme - 08/12/2010 06:26
By whyme - 08/12/2010 06:26
By tbanana95 - 04/11/2009 03:17 - United States
By generic_name123 - 09/03/2015 13:55 - United States - Washington
By Anonymous - 15/01/2012 06:24 - United States
By SeeBrendenBurn - 21/11/2009 08:28 - United States
By Mark Allan - 25/03/2012 16:06 - United States - Alexandria
By Anonymous - 16/08/2013 04:24 - United States - Orlando
By Ineverknew - 19/03/2009 16:43 - United States
By Desperate_measures - 16/01/2010 12:22 - Greece
By john - 04/05/2012 19:14 - United Kingdom - Reading
By ZSL - 17/08/2009 21:41 - United States
For those who are saying that maybe OP just wanted to talk to "someone" and he chose, out of all the people he knows, this girl he has a crush on to talk to: here is a scenario. OP texts his crush. The girl, from the goodness of her heart calls up OP, even though she has been getting irritated of him stalking her. The OP is happy, and gets the idea that she has a crush on him too, and starts stalking her even more. That'll be an awkward and annoying situation to be in. I have been in her place, and know how it feels. I have learnt that the best way is to ignore a person stalking you if you don't want to get into a relationship with them. That is what this girl is doing, and it is good.
I'm sorry about your whole situation. That sucks. I've dealt with depression before, and it can destroy you. A thing I've learned though is you can't rely on other people to help you feel better. Because honestly, they either don't or just stop caring. Find something else to cheer you up. Don't rely on others. Ultimately, it'll just make you feel worse. Try writing down your feelings, or just listen to some music. It sounds lame, but it helps. Things will eventually get better. Push away the suicidal thoughts and think happy ones :)
Hey bud, just want to say that someone, and many people in fact, care about you and would care if you were gone. From someone who has lost a friend to suicide, *I* am the one that has to live with him being gone. HE took the easy way out and left so many people left absolutely crushed. I care about him so much, but it's the truth. Think about the people in your life who would be hurting, more than you're hurting right now. There's so much more you're meant to experience hun. I'm praying for you.
This person doesn't need help at all. It's completely attention-seeking. They just need to grow up. #1: IT WAS POSTED ON FML!!! How "serious" can it possibly be? #2: If they were serious, they wouldn't out it, they'd just do it. #3: If it was that serious, they would've taken that response from their crush worse, not posted it online to a site where everyone posts their misfortunes for everyone elses amusement. Nobody gets on FML to feel bad for others. They get on for a laugh. the poster obviously thought there was comedic value behind it.
225- Did you not read the rules for posting? Here let me show you. "Please don't post any comments which question the validity of an FML (accusing the original poster of submitting a fake story, or arguing that an anecdote is "not FML worthy" or "even "not an FML" based solely on your own personal intuition or opinion isn't very fair. Furthermore, it ruins the other users' reading experience)."
Poor OP~ Dont feel bad, your presumed ex-crush now, is obviously an ass, there are times when your going to get super depressed. However, suicide is never the answer even if something as devastating as this happens. Someone i know has been rejected by a girl who was the center of their world, and it made them seriously upset for quiet sometime (id know i helped them keep their head up), but then someone even more amazing came along, and the same will happen for you, just hold out. Suicide is never the answer. At everyone who is hating against "Emo's" grow up and stop acting like children, these labels on people shouldn't mean anything, just because someone acts differently or dresses differently doesn't mean they should be alienated from everyone else.
@227: Have you ever been stalked? If not, you'd not understand how that girl would be feeling about someone constantly being stalked, and emotionally blackmailed about suicide attempts.
@228- yes, actually i have been stalked. A girl who lived in the same town as me stalked me for quite some time and she even stalked me at my work, i had to change my number and quit my job, along with completely moving elsewhere, She even recently tried contacting me on Facebook. If OP had been sending her messages pulling her into his suicidal thoughts then yes, he deserves being rejected abit, HOWEVER, no one should be so heartless in such a situation, she could have simply ignored him until he got the message, she could have changed her number, etc. She doesn't need to tell someone who is thinking of killing themselves to go away cause their annoying, that wont help the situation.
...your name should be "whysoemo?"
op, no matter what you do, don't commit suicide!! I know I'm gonna sound like a preachy school counseler, but don't use a unreturnable act for a temporary problem! please!!!!!
So it's attention seeking if he just wants to talk to someone cause he's about to commit suicide? Shut up. You're making an ass of yourself.