Here, have a Turner Prize

By RunningMurphy - 15/05/2009 07:20 - United States

Today, at work, some little girl went in the bathroom for quite a while. Came out for two minutes and went back in. She then came out with her finger clutched in a paper towel. One of the other coworkers went in to check the bathroom. The little girl wrote "Hi!" with her own poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 618
You deserved it 2 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sessee 4

Aw, how sweet, she watches 2 girls 1 cup.

Nothing says love like messages wrote with your own feces.


I'd hate to be the person who had to clean that mess up.

I don't understand. Did you clean it up? Or did she get Ecoli and her parents sued you? It's not really an FML if you just saw it...

"Where do you work that there are small children around? Let me rephrase: where do you work that there are small children around that aren't under your direct supervision? In which case, why didn't someone check on her sooner??? YDI" There are a tonne of places this person could work where the child wouldn't be in their direct supervision. Ever been to a department store or a fast food place or anywhere else in the customer service industry?! Soemone obviously didn't check on her sooner because she isn't their responsibility. It's entirely the parents fault. FYL for being such an idiot.

squeaksx24 0

OH MY GOD! That is sooooo disgusting. FYL and whoever else had to clean it up/see it.

ThisVampyricLust 0

LOL #27. you're pretty cleaver yourself LOL

that's when you track the parents down and demand they clean up after their little angel