By librarygirl - 13/08/2009 00:34 - United States

Today, I was volunteering at the library. A kid came up and asked me to help him peel the back off his sticker. It took me so long the kid left. Determined, I still tried to peel it off. Fifteen minutes later, the librarian came over, looked once at it, and told me it wasn't a sticker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 184
You deserved it 41 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought you were going end it with, "It was the sticker that set off the alarm. I aided a kid in stealing a library book." Oh well.


you know what sucks even more? is that the kid left and she still tried to tear that un-tearable mystery shit off ydi for not doing your job, damn ADD librarians

girandwogpig 0

**pushes don't give a shit button** We really should have a button like this.

Its OCD, not ADD. If she was ADD she would have gotten distracted by something else after 2 minutes

iTaylor 0

Aw you're a good person OP lol.


I'm guessing it was the property label on the book or tattletape lol

TNEBlover 0

thats what you get for being in a library!!! OHH =]

WearingHats 14

Another idiot accusing other idiots of being idiots. How idiotic.

LBUJenni_18 0

I thought you were going end it with, "It was the sticker that set off the alarm. I aided a kid in stealing a library book." Oh well.

dudeitsdanny 9

That's what I was thinking, too, haha OP: Fyl, lmao

luyuqian 0

yes, I also think it is that..hehe

aoi_azarashi 0

LOL I've done that before. Stupid glittery cut-out with a smooth shiny back was so deceiving >.>

crabbyxboom 0

don't worry, i am a blonde too. sound like something i'd do. :D

tangerine_12 0

not all blondes are stupid. ima blonde, but i know im not dumb. not a lot of blondes actually are stupid. whats stupid is the stereotype.

what does stickers have to do with education what sticker school did you go to?