Here, have a Turner Prize

By RunningMurphy - 15/05/2009 07:20 - United States

Today, at work, some little girl went in the bathroom for quite a while. Came out for two minutes and went back in. She then came out with her finger clutched in a paper towel. One of the other coworkers went in to check the bathroom. The little girl wrote "Hi!" with her own poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 615
You deserved it 2 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sessee 4

Aw, how sweet, she watches 2 girls 1 cup.

Nothing says love like messages wrote with your own feces.


blue16 0

i don't get how this is an FML?

i dont know how 160 people could say you deserved it...thats ******* gross and if you have authority at your work then i would go bitch out the parents. if you're a busboy or something expendable then **** it, but if you are assistant or manager or something than you shouldve made their parents clean that shit up.

RiverRelic 0

I think I may do that at work today. But instead of Hi, I'm going to write the Gettysburg Address.

That child has some issues. And I don't want to know where that finger clutched in a paper towel ended up...

thats gorss lol but its not a fml..cuz..its not your kid. and your not the one that had to clean it up. so...its just kida amusing.

That is disgusting, but I don't see how it affects YOUR life. :

I agree with everyone else, it doesn't sound like it affected you so not really an fml. Now, see, when you work at a public pool where someone smears their crap all over the walls of the stall and you have to spend 20 minutes spraying it with a hose and dumping soap on it and picking up pieces of it to flush and THEN your manager yells at you for ruining a roll of toilet paper... then your life is f*cked.

NoBounceNoPlay 0

#25 This person didn't deserve it. It's not the employee's job to watch other people's dumbass kids… I mean, unless this is a daycare facility, or something. Even then, I don't think anyone deserves to clean some kid's smeared shit out of a bathroom. OP, I hope you had a nice, long talk with her parents.