Hermit life

By Pookaa - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got a text from someone I've been avoiding saying, "Can I come visit you today?" I replied, "No, sorry, I'm not home." They then replied "Then who is that in your living room?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 177
You deserved it 8 400

Top comments

Save_Bandit 5

Two valid responses: "Apparently I'm bring robbed!" Or "Why are you staring into my living room?"



You could just grab your bag and leave the house, then message back saying 'I'm not at home anymore!'

They'd probably follow OP out of the house..

tsim_fml 0

Oh boy OP, when will you ever learn? The only way to get out of things or being with people is to fake sick.

kuytsgoldenlocks 1

Never lie your way out of a situation.

Lying isn't the way to go. Just tell them that you are avoiding them. I'm sure they will get the hint then

god I hate you for having that picture. I'm hungry now.

SteelCladAngel 0

Reply 'that's the person who just called the cops on the creeper looking into my livingroom and stalking me'

Im2Handsom 1

Hang up, close the blinds, watch TV. :)

Lmao:D, tgats just great! but seriously, happens to me all the time whiLe txtN..:/