Hermit life

By Pookaa - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got a text from someone I've been avoiding saying, "Can I come visit you today?" I replied, "No, sorry, I'm not home." They then replied "Then who is that in your living room?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 177
You deserved it 8 400

Top comments

Save_Bandit 5

Two valid responses: "Apparently I'm bring robbed!" Or "Why are you staring into my living room?"


I have a guy that stalks me like that. He lives five states away, yet he still manages to stalk me...

he could actually not be there and just saying it to see if you're lying

woah,that's pretty creepy. call the police?

sierralovesyou 0

Oh that's definetly normal....

xxkimmyt 9

Op- its just my sister. Creepy guy- how do you know its her? Op-....