Hermit life

By Pookaa - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got a text from someone I've been avoiding saying, "Can I come visit you today?" I replied, "No, sorry, I'm not home." They then replied "Then who is that in your living room?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 177
You deserved it 8 400

Top comments

Save_Bandit 5

Two valid responses: "Apparently I'm bring robbed!" Or "Why are you staring into my living room?"


OP, don't even bother replying! you'll be encouraging him/her.

here's a good reply: you dont know i have a twin?!

mistersheezy 7

Somebody has a stalker, y'all.

itsmygoodlife 4

wow that is so creepy. what were they going to do if you said yes? ring the doorbell a minute later and say that they were outside the whole time?

Maybe it's time you (OP) start thinking about a restraining order, if they are beginning to stalk you. Of course, getting that RO might piss the stalker off too much, so you need to be careful. Hope they stop stalking/creeping and bothering you. :-)

And this is exactly why when I'm avoiding someone, I don't even respond to their texts. . . and OP, you could've just came clean. You shouldn't have to explain why or feel bad that you tell someone you don't want to see them. Usually if you're avoiding someone it's for good reason. It's your life and you have the freedom to control the people who are in it.

DeadxManxWalking 27

Stalker... And just say the truth. It's better than a lie. Or just talk to him, he might turn out to be a cool kind of person.. Well besides the stalking part.