
By catfish - 23/02/2009 22:11 - United States

Today, after class I was chatting with my teacher, a really cool and stylish old black guy. I tell him he reminds me of one of those soul dudes from those '70s movies, right down to the pimp-walk. He tells me he walks that way because he was beaten for drinking out of the wrong fountain as a kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 369
You deserved it 52 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sweetjosephine 0

shhe/he wasn't steroetyping, guys. Stereotyping would be if you've never met the guy, and assumed he was a soul man. She knew him, and was talking to him, and everything, and said her teacher reminded her of them. It'd be completely different to see a bblack guy you don't know, and assume they're soulful. She wasn't being a dick.

Telling your teacher that he reminds you of a blaxploitation star is kinda... ill advised...


TryToBeKind 0

You deserved that - try something called being sensitive. If you don't know, shut the **** up. For real

Damn, not too many of these old groovy seventies dudes around much anymore. I knew so many guys like that when I was a kid in the 70's. I thought they were the coolest.

actually if you were to grow up in the 2000's you would learn that when someone is called a pimp it's a complement and no way degrading of character. you need to get out of your cave and get little more familiar with the world of pop culture.

jamescrazy96 17

How is getting called a pimp cool?

thats hilarious!!! but i bet the teacher thought it was pretty funny

Spitfire_fml 0

Awkward but as long as you brush it off and just said, "Wow, that's terrible," and move on with it, you'd be fine.

resawins 0

nuh-uh????!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! that's one of those moments where you don't know if you should laugh. but i just can't help it!!!