
By Anonymous - 12/12/2010 23:02 - United States

Today, my 21 year-old boyfriend asked me what foreplay is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 552
You deserved it 5 292

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Qluz 3

you play with your forehead. duuh

...right, like America ever was in an incredibly great danger, like America was the country that has been invaded by a foreign army. I think my heart goes out to the mostly innocent inhabitants of Iraq who are unnecesary killed, raped and tortured and whose country is totally being destroyed. There should never be an unwanted and completely unnecesary army in the Middle-East, but onfortunately, now it's too late to just walk away. And I'm sorry for your brother. (oh, and I suggest that all of you could use private messages)


he likes to cut straight to the good stuff

Hump_Zilla 0

so he's inexperienced which means he is cleaner and not some jerk that sleeps should be happy about that and just teach the guy if he's ready to learn

Im Sorry that does suck. Tell Him he's an embarrassment to 21 year old Males everywhere.

ThA_PaStY_KiD 0

I'm 13 and even I know what foreplay is.

Professor59 2

Seems more like an opportunity, not a FML at all. Now, if he was 45, then you might have an issue.

Karnezar 2

You'd be surprised. I was made fun of for not knowing what "spunk" is. It means cum.

I hate comments saying that it's pathetic. What's pathetic is everyone expects perfect on this site. Deep down most people understand. In what situation in his teenage life would directly describe foreplay? Most terms like this people come to figure out on their own. This isn't uncommon

halfwaydecent 6

That's a good thing cuz you know he's a good guy and he's not messing around with other girls

dump his ass and get with a mature man. not a boy