Hot mess

By Tasji - 27/07/2009 06:24 - Canada

Today, I sent in a fake story to a website that supports a yearly festival in my small town, thinking it would boost their spirits. It was how my boyfriend proposed to me at last year's festival. Now the local news station wants to do a story about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 849
You deserved it 81 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserved it. You don't send in fake stories.

FMLlama 0

I was there, I heard one of the artists talking about how someone got engaged there last year. The problem was, I don't think Vfest was IN Vancouver last year. = I'm pretty sure this was the first one...


It's simple. She lied. She brought this upon herself by lieing, therefor ydi. If she had not lied this would not have happened. Also if she posted one fake story why not post another? Chronic liers.

sireen 0

hahahhhaaahha i laughed at 17.

abylaunch 10

How do we know this is a true story?

FOBpeteyisgay 0

Is this a fake story and the other story was real but no one cared so you wrote one here to see if anyone cared???

pepper2394 0

For the people that are accusing people in Canada and Ameracia are inbred; there are inbred people in both places and there are only a select few of them. Canada and America are both great places.

th3rapy 0

Just add to the story that you ended up rejecting the proposal ... but it happened! ;)


I Dont Get It.... Explanations Anyone??

ambersaysrawr 0

You shouldn't have lied. YDI

Why would you write in a fake story anyway? To feel special or something? YDI. And I'd make a further comment on the fact that I'm apparently an "inbred ****", but it's honestly a waste of the energy needed to type said comment out.