
By uglyone - 13/01/2010 14:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I was going out with my supermodel-gorgeous friend, so I put extra effort into looking good. I thought I looked pretty good, but when we got to the subway station, a drunk old man looked at us and loudly announced, "That's always the way it is, there's a fit one and an ugly one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 158
You deserved it 3 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't let the opinion of old drunk guy with no-one to talk to (or he could have said it to them and not you) get you down. And depending on his age, he was raised when it was a woman's duty to look pretty for men. Either way, hope it didn't bother you too much.

ah.......she's a girl......she was going out with a friend thats also a in not girlfriend.........


and just to add.....the UK have a mulitutde of beautiful models of English decent...unlike the US who seems to claim any South American beauty as theirs!!! I feel sorry for the normal American people out there who are subject to ridicule because of people like you who have no grasp on the real world!! Most of you won't even venture outside your country coz you're too afraid!!! **** off narrow minded American's you're ruining it for the rest!!!!

I wouldn't say it's fear, I think it's more because there's that whole "oh the U.S. is the best country ever" nationalistic mentality which I don't really understand. That said, while we may be subject to ridicule, we know that there's no apostrophe in "Americans" in the context in which you used it. We can also spell "multitude" correctly. Well, some of us, anyway.

awww, love im sure you looked nice. Screw the effing drunk man, what does he know, he probably lives in some stingy place so he never knows when he sees a true beauty!

btw, to the racist country war thats happening up there in the comments, Australia has by far the most beautiful woman!

dspadres 0

Really? The most beautiful WOMAN? As in Australia only has one woman? They may want to take care of that before the population dies out. I doubt her vagoo can handle keeping the country populated.

that may work if you were not a stupid redneck

your all wrong california is the best country.