
By uglyone - 13/01/2010 14:06 - United Kingdom

Today, I was going out with my supermodel-gorgeous friend, so I put extra effort into looking good. I thought I looked pretty good, but when we got to the subway station, a drunk old man looked at us and loudly announced, "That's always the way it is, there's a fit one and an ugly one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 158
You deserved it 3 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't let the opinion of old drunk guy with no-one to talk to (or he could have said it to them and not you) get you down. And depending on his age, he was raised when it was a woman's duty to look pretty for men. Either way, hope it didn't bother you too much.

ah.......she's a girl......she was going out with a friend thats also a in not girlfriend.........


he could've been talking about you in reverse....but anyway, even if one drunk guy thinks you are ugly, doesn't mean the rest of the world does. Eye of the beholder.

Reynard12 0

You probably shouldn't let what leering, vagrant drunks frequenting public transport hubs trump your opinion of yourself. If he'd have hollered 'show us yer ****' that would have been some sort of... compliment?

immastarr 0

you should of said, "thats always how it is, a drunk person to add extra smartass little comments on people who don't give a ****."

pinkballoon 0

is this you after the man insulted you? :D

don't be so down on yourself. maybe he was talkin about you. after all the only reason u might think she was pretty was because she was your friend and the only reason u don't think as much of yourself is because lol, ur every other girl.

vanillakrispies 0

super model gorgeous girlfriend? Really? uhhh your a douche bag

yesmaybeno 0

i think that this isn't true, cus nobody from england can be that gorgeous. gorgeous requires half decent teeth

Not to start a "which country is better" argument or anything, but I'd like to say in England 99% of us have access to free medical and dental care, so we're far more likely to have better teeth than most of the world, who can't afford it x)