How did you manage that?

By Anonymous - 10/04/2009 14:35 - United States

Today, I was driving my car like any ordinary day. My dad had been harping on me about not checking the oil, so I finally checked it. Driving down the road my hood flew up and shattered my windshield. I forgot to latch my hood after checking the oil. $300 for a new windshield. The oil was fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 309
You deserved it 62 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that along with a driving test, a "Simple car care 101" test has to be taken too in order to have a licence. If you can't take care of your car you shouldnt have one !

I don't think this is fake. Not everyone's car act's the same way.


So what does your dad and oil have to do with that? It's not like you can drive forever without ever lifting the hood up... Your damn fault.

A windshield can shatter, just the shards won't fly off and cut you up because they're stuck to a layer of plastic.

meowface 0

wow seriously? thats bull, its very unlikely that a hood would fly open when driving and you would deffinately notice. and it would not flip up and hit the windsheild, they dont go that far back, u r retarded, dont waste my time.

meowface 0

o and windsheilds cost about 100 dollars for any car with installation by a professional, and they come to your house

u might wanna get a new hood too cuz for it to break the windshield the hinges would have to break too

thank you #13 for beating everyone to the punch

DownUndah 0

Thats not what happens. Your hood actually hits the top of your windshield and bends, leaving a huge dent. Your windshield doesn't break and cannot break under those circumstances unless you've got a very very short hood. I'm calling bs on this.