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Humor bypass

By #goodbyelife - 09/12/2014 00:38 - United States

Today, my mom texted me and asked what I was up to. In response, I joked, "Dancing on the dining room table, waving dad's Calvin Klein's in the air, and shooting bullets into her bedroom floor." Not only did the cops show up, but now I'm grounded for two weeks for being, "deceptively believable." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 141
You deserved it 6 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

not sure who to blame here, well your mom lol. she's ether really gullible or just crazy... I'm sure it was all fixed quickly. now you have a story to tell at future parties! :)


not sure who to blame here, well your mom lol. she's ether really gullible or just crazy... I'm sure it was all fixed quickly. now you have a story to tell at future parties! :)

drunkmunkey 24

but what does it tell you about OP that his mom would believe that was really going on?

either the mother is really gullible or OP frequently does things like this

I don't think op is going to any future parties though lol did you read the username?

and if she's that paranoid, she probably isn't mentally sane enough be owning any guns in the first place if she believes a scenario like that could actually happen.

It's America bub. Anyone can have a gun nowadays. Even if you kill kids it seems.

#9, when in american history has anyone not been able to own a gun? You pretend like the 2nd amendment is a new thing.

I've danced on the table to hooked on a feeling by blue swede while my parents were gone but nothing close to that. Though I don't how she would believe you unless you've done something Similar before?..

everton99 16

I'm not sure why you got so many thumbs down clicks.

I like that you're creative enough to come up with that. And that you can make it believable!

AnOriginalName 19

That's a very impressive story to come up with on the spur of the moment. Your mom should have made your favorite dinner or something for you for that creativity and believability.

it sounds like your parents lack a sense of humor... sucks to be you op

The fact that your mum thinks that you can be able to do something like that should make you think over the imagine you give of yourself to the others.

So, I'm guessing if your dad says he loves your mom for her brains, he is not referring to her intelligence?

Joking over text usually isn't the way to go...gotta give you some creativity points for that response though haha

Just the mental image of what OP jokingly described themselves doing is just hilarious to me.