I did not consent to this under my roof

By CatBlock - 31/01/2014 06:16 - United States - Decatur

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. As we were getting into it, his cat came into the room, sat, and stared us down with what looked like disapproving eyes. After 5 minutes had gone by, we stopped completely. A cat just cockblocked me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 362
You deserved it 8 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't understand why you stopped because a cat walked in. When I walk in my roommates just keep going.

Animals can make sexual experiences more awkward than you think when they're just staring at you.


Man!, your boyfriend sure is pussy whipped.

its a cat.. just kick it out of the room and continue or shut the door.

If you live alone, why would you close the door? I don't close doors in my apartment. Except the front door of course.

I agree with #76 it's a freaking cat, so what if it's looking. Get over it and finish your business. If you can get that distracted over something as stupid as a cat then obviously you got your priorities all mixed up. When you get laid, focus on getting laid. Your welcome

Coeliacchic93 21

my dog will try and push our bedroom door open, once he realises he can't open it he lays outside the door curled up in a ball! we feel so guilty xD

bananaweeniepop 2

hahahaha that happened to me too!! I started giving my boyfriend a hand job to try to get shit started when my cat started looking at the movement of my hands on his crotch under his shorts. She tried to get in on the action thinking it was a toy in his pants hahahaha! We had to stop. it was too funny.

Girls get twat swatted not **** blocked

actually I think it was more of a pussy block...

What is it with cats ****-blocking people? I keep finding stories of it on this site.