I did not consent to this under my roof

By CatBlock - 31/01/2014 06:16 - United States - Decatur

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex. As we were getting into it, his cat came into the room, sat, and stared us down with what looked like disapproving eyes. After 5 minutes had gone by, we stopped completely. A cat just cockblocked me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 357
You deserved it 8 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't understand why you stopped because a cat walked in. When I walk in my roommates just keep going.

Animals can make sexual experiences more awkward than you think when they're just staring at you.


capt_awesome25 4

I think if it's a girl it should be twat swat instead of **** block

Cheez_Mastah 10

The door. It comes in very useful sometimes. This is one of those times. Use the door.

haha of course he's disapproving it was doggy style:)

Why are there so many FMLs like this? Are people to stupid to kick animals out and close they door when they fool around?

Throw a pillow.. Can runs away.. Problem solved.

And this is why I don't like cats and they don't like me.

Cat-a-pult!!! Mmmmeeeeeeooowww!!! lol