I'm so bored

By Bored - 12/10/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, I realized how bored I am with life in general, as well as how bad my ADHD has gotten, when I saw a fly eating a crumb I dropped on the floor and watched it for two minutes straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 148
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whatever brings you joy, you deserve it.

And they say ADHD people cannot concentrate!


Whatever brings you joy, you deserve it.

And they say ADHD people cannot concentrate!

As a person with ADHD, you might be surprised what goofy shit catches our attention. It’s hard for me to concentrate on certain tasks, but I can get caught up in all sorts of random shit. Sometimes it’s really useful. Most of the time, not so much.

Wadlaen 23