I quit!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - East Carondelet

Today, I'm babysitting kids whose parents said they would be back by 12. Its 4 a.m. and they still aren't home. I don't get paid enough for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 982
You deserved it 2 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let's hope these parents are fine. If they are, demand the right payment for the extra hours.

I hope it was just a mistake, and that they pay you a little bit of compensation for your troubles OP! Oh, and you could always raid the fridge if not.


Well are you sure they didn't mean 12 noon? Still it's a bit of extra right?

It's for this very reason that I go by 24-hour time instead of 12-hour. Less room for misinterpretation.

Unless something happened don't sit for them again, even if they paid you extra. They won't change and will always treat you like this.

Unless something happened that explains them that late, don't sit for them again, even with extra pay. They will always be untrustworthy.

PePziNL 20

Yeah youknow, screw those kids right?

it is definitely not safe to leave someone else's children alone in the middle of the night without telling anybody. but it is safe to expect to be sued and not paid or called back.

I once babysat for one of my sisters and her husband when they went to an NCAA football game 2 hours away. They got stuck in traffic, causing them to be 4 hrs late getting home. After their phones died, there was a murder in my small town and since he was spotted near me, I ended up having to lock all doors and windows in their giant house, and carry around my bro-in-law's pistol, while not freaking out my 4 year old nephew and 2 year old neice

Why would the doors and windows not already be locked?

Demand the right payment and don't work for them again if they don't pay you for your time.

I'm sure they will pay you make sure you demand that they do please update us OP

I used to babysit for a woman that was a foster mother. She would do that all the time. She'd have me babysit on a school night and promise to be home early and never was. She didn't pay very well either. Then she got mad when I told her I was done and then started ignoring her calls when she wouldn't take no for an answer. They were hard kids to take care of too.

Unless they got into an accident, they are pretty irresponsible.