I quit!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - East Carondelet

Today, I'm babysitting kids whose parents said they would be back by 12. Its 4 a.m. and they still aren't home. I don't get paid enough for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 982
You deserved it 2 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let's hope these parents are fine. If they are, demand the right payment for the extra hours.

I hope it was just a mistake, and that they pay you a little bit of compensation for your troubles OP! Oh, and you could always raid the fridge if not.


sarcasticjane 27

Depending on the state, this could be considered neglect or abandonment on the parent's part. Agreeing to have someone watch the child or children until a certain point only contracts for that time. Look up the Child Protection laws in your area and inform future clients of the laws as well as what you will do-whether it be file a report or charge a fee for overtime. Also ensure you have a way to contact them and they have a way to contact you.

This is why you always need written contracts. Preferably ones that state the client must pay $50 for every 30 minutes they are late from the agreed upon time.

I had a similar thing happen I'm 14 and I get payed 5 bucks an hour for babysitting a friends kid she went out and it was a school night she wasn't picking up and I had to switch off with my dad she didn't get back till 5 a.m. so I got 70 bucks and I'm happy about that

Wadlaen 23

Åt that time I'd call them and ask, with a worried voice, if they were OK.