I quit!
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - East Carondelet
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - East Carondelet
By Anonymous - 25/03/2011 03:36 - United States
By GabsAlot829 - 21/07/2009 22:17 - United States
By JazzyandAlice - 20/09/2009 06:06 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/09/2021 02:01
By lockedoutbabysitter - 09/03/2010 17:19 - United States
By Thanks a lot - 23/10/2015 01:27 - United States - Chestnut Hill
By hugs511 - 25/07/2009 04:21 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/03/2013 14:41 - United States - Modesto
By Anonymous - 21/05/2016 04:27 - Australia - Clayton
By Not a babysitter - 09/02/2024 15:00 - United States
Depending on the state, this could be considered neglect or abandonment on the parent's part. Agreeing to have someone watch the child or children until a certain point only contracts for that time. Look up the Child Protection laws in your area and inform future clients of the laws as well as what you will do-whether it be file a report or charge a fee for overtime. Also ensure you have a way to contact them and they have a way to contact you.
This is why you always need written contracts. Preferably ones that state the client must pay $50 for every 30 minutes they are late from the agreed upon time.
I had a similar thing happen I'm 14 and I get payed 5 bucks an hour for babysitting a friends kid she went out and it was a school night she wasn't picking up and I had to switch off with my dad she didn't get back till 5 a.m. so I got 70 bucks and I'm happy about that
Let's hope these parents are fine. If they are, demand the right payment for the extra hours.
I hope it was just a mistake, and that they pay you a little bit of compensation for your troubles OP! Oh, and you could always raid the fridge if not.