Inappropriate but funny

By um... maybe - 12/03/2013 22:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I was helping my father-in-law out at a family barbecue. Somehow, the topic turned to grand-children, at which point I confessed that my wife has been having trouble conceiving. His response was to boom: "Sure you've been putting it in the right hole, son?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 009
You deserved it 5 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments


rozsrredd 16

Infertility is not something to joke about, I hope this was just an awkward way for your father-in-law to deal with an uncomfortable topic and not just his a-hole personality.

Ahahah NICE!!! Browne points for farther - in - law !!!!!

At which point I would have said "If you weren't my father-in-law I wound punch your friggin lights out. How dare you disrespect your daughter that way?" And then I would have gatherd my stuff and my family and left. To return only when he was ready to issue a public apology. Wake up man. You're a grown up now and it's your job to protect you're family. Even from her father. If you do he will probably have a new found respect for you.

Helldemon 32

And the reward for biggest overreaction ever goes to...

Don't worry OP, took my mother actively an entire ten years to conceive me. Then she found out it was dad's fault. Maybe get yourself checked?

the older they grow the more sarcastic they become about sex. llllllove old ppl talking about it hehe

... He is awesome! This is so Chandler if he is ever put in such a situation. .. FYL though, it's only awesome from the. outside

If your wife hasn't shared that with her father what gives you the right to? Show a little respect