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By Anonymous - 12/03/2013 22:21 - United States - Berkeley

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me. I said yes. This caused him to panic, excuse himself, then take it back via text message a half hour later, claiming he'd been drunk. We live together. When he comes back home, it's going to be very awkward indeed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 581
You deserved it 3 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was just in shock that you said yes and became his fiancé! Its a big step for couples! Once he gets more used to the idea he'll be ecstatic! :)

Crazy being the key word there... "Hey you wanna get married?LOLNOPEJKTTYL"


I think you should just reassure him that y'all are ready =) he obviously is crazy about you!

Crazy being the key word there... "Hey you wanna get married?LOLNOPEJKTTYL"

Sounded like he expected her to say no so he got cold feet! Can't play with girls emotions like that

Sounds more like he panicked then he was playing with her emotions.

Lol he was trying to Ted Mosby her (How I Met Your Mother)

He was just in shock that you said yes and became his fiancé! Its a big step for couples! Once he gets more used to the idea he'll be ecstatic! :)

Just a moment of blind panic to be sure OP. Talk it out with him when he returns. Try to alleviate his anxiety by explaining that marriage won't be so different from your current living status. Good luck you

I agree. It's probably just wet feet. Sure he didn't handle it great, but most people don't handle things well when they're anxious. When you feel the time is right, confront him GENTLY about this.

"Wet" feet... Everything I've ever known is a lie.

lalalanono 8

You don't want to marry him if he's not sure. It's a pretty sure sign of immaturity for him to propose without being certain.

Im pretty sure he just got really nervous. Being nervous doesnt mean he doest want to marry OP and its not a legible reason not to marry him.

Legible? As in, handwriting that can be read with little effort? I'm assuming you meant legitimate. But who knows, I'm wrong sometimes.

13/30- So were all the glaring mistakes you made in grammar, for someone who's "book smart" you sure don't write or think like one.

40- Haha, I thought I was the only one who noticed her sloppy posts!

I was going to stick up for 13/30 until I saw the pic with the toilet in the background. YDI

Maybe you both should get drunk, to ease the tension, and while drunk take a bus to Vegas and get hitched, everyone's doing it!

Yes, because that will solve EVERYTHING tomorrow

At least he actually ASKED you. I's married, but he never actually asked me. He just said, so... you wanna go look at rings tomorrow? And that was that.

Wow, I need to also proof read my posts beforehand. *I'm married. And yeah, not very romantic... Especially since he was still in his gym clothes after a hard workout.

You should just be quite now this is the most dislikes I've seen that fast...

It's ok. My parents proposal was: Dad: so are we getting married and your moving in with me or are we breaking up? Mom: I guess I'm moving Dad: ok go look at rings and pick what you want. At least your husband went with you. But hey they're still happily married 25 years later so I guess it worked for them.

After only 6 weeks of dating, my dad was like: "Why don't we get married so you don't have to worry about renewing your Visa?" ***Still married. :P

27- You married your dad? How'd you slip that past INS?

. . . of *my parents* dating Oops! I guess I hit your pet peeve. Sorry. :P

31- No, no peeves petted here, I just saw an opening for a joke and took it. ;) The way I read it, it was too obvious to let slip.

No, I got the joke. I'm the one that thumbed you up! (: Your cat sticking its tongue out is the icing on the cake.

ajh557 - Not concerned about down votes, you can't win them all. But thanks for your concern there!

wlddog 14

Its always best to write and not worry about getting thumbed up or down. There is more to life then counting your thumbs. (I personally have two thumbs, but I still count them ever so often to be sure).

@29: That's a new one, INB4 Procreation

Why oh why would he propose if it's not what he wanted?? And what a lame excuse.

hm.. it sounds like he was expecting a different answer. just talk through it. congratulations though... I think!

No im pretty sure he was so nervous that even though OP said yes he ran off because of nerves

37- I'm pretty sure you start all your sentences with 'I'm pretty sure'.

Im pretty sure her comment #21 doesn't. ;D