
By CashChamp20 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend got a necklace from one of her guy friends. She loves it. It's a heart shaped necklace. She doesn't see a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 933
You deserved it 7 040

Top comments

sweetheartxoxo88 7

Maybe she is so in love with you that she only sees the beauty of the necklace and not the possible implications from the guy friend.


alinka_fml 0
TheDifferent 0

Maybe it's a close guy friend and she just thinks of it as a nice gift and nothing else o.o

Nini101 2

Talk to her about because that guy friend might be trying to make a move on her or he has feelings for her, trust me I said the samething until my guy friend had gotten the guts to kiss me and he knew I had a boyfriend so please talk to her about it.

dhop338 0

I thnk gun and good bye mr necklace giver

life is harder when you are stupid. just remember that and you will go far