
By CashChamp20 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend got a necklace from one of her guy friends. She loves it. It's a heart shaped necklace. She doesn't see a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 933
You deserved it 7 040

Top comments

sweetheartxoxo88 7

Maybe she is so in love with you that she only sees the beauty of the necklace and not the possible implications from the guy friend.


Lol time to start exchanging gifts with ur girl bestfriend haha :)

Well now you can go out and buy her an even nicer one that she'll love more :)

sadkiddie 0

You should have gotten her a necklace first. guy friend =1 u = fail

I say go on the offensive and leave her before she leaves you for the other guy!

leemurcat 5
nonelikeworms 0

You should get a heart necklace from a girl and see how she likes it

Lol and do what with it? Wear it? She would probably just laugh at him :p

hayleybailey888 0

it's just a necklace. shouldn't mean anything. :/

Why don't you be a man and tell her guy friend that it's not cool to be buying your girlfriend heart shaped necklaces or flowers for her on valentines etc.

The comments are pathetic. Either it's about being superficial/materialistic, or about not understanding why it actually is an issue. Ladies, would you like your boyfriend to hang out with a girl that wants way more than just hanging out with him?

If you trust the person you're with as you should, then it shouldn't be an issue. If you don't trust them to spend time with someone else (any one, for any reason) then you have bigger problems in your relationship and you probably shouldn't be together anyway. "I believe that trust is more important than monogamy."

thank you, you speak my mind...why is it the case when girls do something allegedly innocent but is actually hurting the relationship, they get away with it and guys don't?

simplylost643 0

So, #79 let me see if I got this right. You would be happier with a guy that sleeps with other women, then one who said he didn't cheat on his taxes, but in fact did? Lieing is bad, but it ain't gonna give you herpes.