
By CashChamp20 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend got a necklace from one of her guy friends. She loves it. It's a heart shaped necklace. She doesn't see a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 933
You deserved it 7 040

Top comments

sweetheartxoxo88 7

Maybe she is so in love with you that she only sees the beauty of the necklace and not the possible implications from the guy friend.


lidemocr 0

*prepares to be negged*. :/ Call me old fashioned but I don't think it's appropriate to have friends of the opposite sex when you are in a serious relationship with someone. Particularly when the "friend" is close enough to give a gift like that...

I am the only woman in my workplace. I have a boyfriend of many years. Are you saying I shouldn't develop friendships with my coworkers simply because I'm not single? Ridiculous.

I agree with you to some extent, though I think what your saying definitely applies to older boyfriend/girlfriend relationships more (over 21). I think it's okay to maintain opposite sex friendships, but at the same time the girlfriend should not have accepted the gift. It was her place to let her male friend know she is in a committed relationship and cannot accept such an intimate trinket.

dancerNsinger4li 0

Wow, looks like there was no reason to fight for women's rights. Shut up! This is not the 30's, majority of my friends are guys becaise girls are so dramatic and I have a boyfriend and when my birthday comes and they give me gifts he does not mind because wwe have trust...smh you are the reason people think women should be housewives

fthku 13

#110, why are you jumping to women's rights? She said "friends of the opposite sex", without referring to a gender. What she said was stupid, but not sexist to either gender. Don't be one of those women who jump to say "sexist!" over every little thing. ****, it wasn't even so much as implied in that comment.

That seems more than a bit unreasonable. You're really going to limit your friendships based on gender? Two of my best friends are male, and I would never excommunicate them because of a boyfriend. I don't know about you, but I value my friends too much to give them up over such a medieval notion.

BeastMode5 0

74- I've lost an amazing friend from something like this. His girlfriend didn't like me because we would always hangout. I've never liked him more than a friend, same as he felt to me. His girlfriend couldn't handle it and she made him stop talking to all girls. All of them, not just me. They soon broke up and we all started talking again, our friendship hasn't been as close anymore. His ex still doesn't like me a whole lot but we're working on that too. I don't know how you would feel about this but I felt horrible. Like a part of me was gone because I had lost my best friend.

poweredbyparamor 0
perdix 29

That might cause some concern, but you should really focus on the penis-shaped clit ring he bought her!

Give her a better present, your heart and dick

so you're all about the material huh? must be a sad relationship you're having or will have...

DasHaas 9

Damn, this site is full of people who lack the kind of trust needed to be in a serious relationship, poster included.

1. Maybe you should buy her some jewelry so she won't have to get it from other guys 2. Maybe you should find a less materialistic girlfriend.

The problem is she doesn't seem to see any problem when it is pretty obvious. It is a bit naïve to accept such gift from a guy friend and expect your boyfriend to understand. She didn't receive a cuddly bear, a rose or a perfume, it's a heartshaped necklace.. That is all.

Well I def agree but I mean if he's that serious about her getting a necklace then he shouldn't be with her. If he can't trust her then he needs to go find someone he can trust because the fact that he doesn't trust her can't be making her feel very good. A relationship like that is bad for the both of them

I think he's serious about how she reacted to it, not about the necklace. It's about the fact that she didn't think it might bother him. You know, empathy...

blink_kid 32

If you trust her, what's the problem?