
By CashChamp20 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend got a necklace from one of her guy friends. She loves it. It's a heart shaped necklace. She doesn't see a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 933
You deserved it 7 040

Top comments

sweetheartxoxo88 7

Maybe she is so in love with you that she only sees the beauty of the necklace and not the possible implications from the guy friend.


bettyc4 26

maybe if you wernt so cheap she wouldn't be wearing jewelry from other men hmmmmm

salvorican 24

Who said op was cheap? He just doesn't like that her guy friend would give a heart shaped necklace

I would suspect you've got more to be concerned about than a heart necklace.. Sorry op

typical girl..... she can accept gifts from her guy "friends" but let u do that to her & (it'll be the end of the world)....WTH is wrong with u people.... buy her a bigger one???? she better not be wearing that necklace again when u see her again is all I'm saying.....

Don't worry about it OP, it's only a necklace. I'd give her the benifit of the doubt on this one and just make sure you express your love for her. Hopefully she just accepted it to be nice.

icallitambrosia 0

The only problem here is your over protectiveness. It's just a necklace, from a friend. Nothing more.

Like JT and Adam Sandburg said nothing more thoughtful than you're dick in a box. You need to show her something from the heart. Shwag.

As a girlfriend my best guy friend gave me a heart shaped necklace. I see nothing wrong

beebeeL 1

Take it while she's asleep & damage it beyond repair :)

sexxme 9

Haha yeah she doesn't see anything wrong with it, but if YOU were wearing something your friend thats a girl gave you, your girlfriend would ******* kill you. Its funny how the world works now a days.

I can say the only heart shaped necklaces I've bought were for girls that I was dating.