
By Anonymous - 28/02/2019 11:00 - United States - University

Today, I went to take a shower, but forgot my towel and dorm key in my room. After my shower, I had to run down to the front desk butt-naked, using only a shampoo bottle as cover, and ask for a temporary key. The person running the front desk was my ex-girlfriend’s current boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 167
You deserved it 1 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did ya walk butt-naked TO the shower in the first place??

tarabella 7

So did you leave your room naked? Sounds like it or you would have put the clothes back on after the shower. Moron


randybryant799 20

Wait..what? How did you get to the shower? Naked??