
By Lauren - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my husband declined a $100k/year job due to him thinking that a full-time job at one work place would be too "depressing." I'm a nurse and have to wipe other people's arses for a living, then come home to this lazy dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 089
You deserved it 8 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MCVelvet1497 3

And you married him because ...


You should leave him then if u don't your stupid

Wait, let me get this hate your job and are complaining about it, so therefore your husband should take whatever job he can get? Freaking women...

You chose to be a nurse first of all. Second, u could probly leave his ass cuz ur well paid

levifire 5

just because he declined the job doesnt mean hes lazy my dad was in a similar situation but he declined the job to because he hated it but he could be lazy because once again like my dad the lazy supervisor who misses most of his work and doesnt teach whats required got a promotion over the other hard working people

So stop bitching about how abused you are like every woman when things don't go her way and do something about it if you're not happy.

basterlol 1

No pain No gain I guess, jkjk.

FML is for LOL's and to make other people LOL...I didn't even realise people could (or would want to) comment! Read the FML...LOL...move to next FML. He works a 1/3 of the time for a 1/3 of the pay and yes I am a little jealous of his work/life balance and yes having him work full time for a full wage may have equalled a few extra luxuries but if I cant have a vent and giggle on FML then life really is f***ed. I love my job and would never give it away... Every job has it's "shit" to deal with and sometimes you just have to deal with it and move on. And after 10 years and 2 kids...well I'M too lazy to get a divorce...(pause, let it sink in...laugh...move to next FML)!!!