
By Lauren - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my husband declined a $100k/year job due to him thinking that a full-time job at one work place would be too "depressing." I'm a nurse and have to wipe other people's arses for a living, then come home to this lazy dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 089
You deserved it 8 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MCVelvet1497 3

And you married him because ...


get out of that relationship before you snap and do drastic things

Um are you a privet nurse? From what you said sounds like your not though. If you wipe peoples ass for a living then you are a CNA which are NOT nurses. CNA means "Certified Nurse Assistant" your a assistant to a nurse not a nurse. My moms been a nurse for 25 yours and says I never had to wipe someones ass becuase I have a CNA for that.

man, some people are narrow minded, judgemental and so eager to slap everyone else down in an effort to make themselves look good. With the wonders of the internet the whole world can communicate. Did you even look at where the post originated? Nurses in other countries and even other states in the same country may have different roles and job NURSES, not assistants (my hospital doesn't even employ assistants), do everything from clean your toes to manage you while intubated

No sex because he has no job... Yeah... great solution and while she's out working and he's sitting there needing sex, out he goes and gets some from another woman... Great solution.

Damn, to bad you can't help who you fall for :(

Why let that happen? U stil call him your husband? What a dick thinker he is!!

58s 0

Maybe u should get a 2nd job

Savine 13

Not everyone wants that kind of life, and he should do what he thinks will work for him. Its better that he keeps a job or jobs that he can tolerate than taking one that will make him miserable. If money is more important to you than his happiness maybe he should be looking for a new spouse not a new job. It seems he would be better off.

in a "relationship" TWO people work to help and support each other. one sided relationships are not true relationships

Screw all of you feminist sexists. Don't complain about him not getting the 100k job because he doesn't want too. I bet he doesn't have a go at you for not getting a better degree so you earnt more money. It's his life. If I go get a good degree and then have to deal with a partner who barely scraped through college and has a go at me for not getting a full time job when she earns crap all i'd leave her.

His life, her life. Except they got married. And when you're married you expect people to contribute equally. You know, because equality.

You picked him so it is your own fault that you have to complain online