Insult to adultery

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that the same police officer who has arrested me twice has been sleeping with my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 132
You deserved it 7 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Looks like your not the only one getting,.. ****** By The Law...

poor_gurll1198 17

Man he must be having so much fun pissing you off

You need to take this to internal affairs for investigation and then divorce your wife.

twin 18

Know the feeling. M ex wife was sleeping with a cop as well. He did catch my girl and i in a fight and threatened me with jail for disturbing the peace though. This was after we split btw.

chopherdwn 2

If u rly a gangster you will get the best lawyer and sue him for abuse power and fake allegations and charges and divorce her without a penny since she was caught cheating.