
By _Tatyana_ - 13/06/2013 07:05 - United States - Gettysburg

Today, after getting my wisdom teeth pulled, I woke up from a much needed nap realizing I should take my pain medication. My mother then told me she had thrown them out so I wouldn't get addicted and become a drug dealer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 004
You deserved it 3 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can some parents be this stupid? It baffles me.

Let me throw out my computer so I don't become a **** star.


Has anyone here actually had their wisdom teeth pulled? They put you on prescription ibuprofen. Can you even get addicted to that? At least that's what they gave me.

russianspy1234 11

That's what they gave you... Maybe it depends on the doctor and/or when you have them pulled? They put me on Vicodin, and I'm really glad they did because the pain was horrific.

TheDrifter 23

Prescription ibuprofen is usually only given to those under 16 or deemed an addiction or trafficking risk. The rest of us get stronger stuff for less frequent dosages.

They gave me Tylenol 3 course I never took any

CharresBarkrey 15

They gave me Percocet, which I never took because my dad stole them all before I could. But anyway, YOUR doctor is not EVERYONE'S doctor. Each doctor has their own preferences, and every case is unique.

DanceGenius1205 5
mrslewis 16

I was suppose to get mine pulled out today too! Doc said the nerve is too close to the tooth n if i pull it out i can damage it which will cause to half of my face to be numb for the rest of my live :/

mrslewis 16

He still wanted to pull it out so he is a bastard

Hey hey hey! Careful, I've got my eyes on you two...

nurchok 15

#31, I feel ya: I had the same problem, but my dentist is awesome, he sent me to an "Oral and maxillofacial surgery clinic" to have them removed. I only needed the pain killers for one day though...

well actually it does happen, some prescription meds can fetch some decent money on the streets. Although unless op has history of dealing drugs the mum was definitely overreacting. I am also confused how he would become addicted and sell them, typically you don't sell what you're addicted to.

perdix 29

Your mom must have lost her wisdom teeth a long time ago! She's be lucky for you to be entrepreneurial enough to become a drug dealer -- you were just going to become a plain old addict.

LookAttMyyLifee 12

She's looking out for you at least.

Perdition25 12

You must have never had your wisdom teeth removed.

kra1985 8

Oh man op! I feel for you i just had all 4 of mine removed and i cant even open my mouth! Wish i could give you some of my pain medicine!

timss4 19

At least you'll prosper in a profession better than drug dealing now thanks to your mothers..... Stupidity lol

TheDrifter 23

I deliver to drug stores, you'd be surprised how many people take half and sell half of their month's prescription then come in a week after refill begging for more. I guess they never listened to Easy E. You don't get high off your own supply.