
By _Tatyana_ - 13/06/2013 07:05 - United States - Gettysburg

Today, after getting my wisdom teeth pulled, I woke up from a much needed nap realizing I should take my pain medication. My mother then told me she had thrown them out so I wouldn't get addicted and become a drug dealer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 004
You deserved it 3 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can some parents be this stupid? It baffles me.

Let me throw out my computer so I don't become a **** star.


I hope your mom realizes that not all pain medication are as addicting as morphine and such.

Same thing happened to me a few years ago. I was forced to only take the antibiotics they gave me while my prescription for vicodin "mysteriously" disappeared.

DanceGenius1205 5

That can be deemed as child abuse if you really needed the medicine and she made you suffer.

As someone who has had their wisdom teeth out, pain meds are needed. And your mother sounds way too paranoid.

maybe she was scared she would become a junkie or a drug dealer or relapse??