
By nazooer - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I thought I was going to my doctor for a yearly check-up. My father had actually tricked me into therapy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 028
You deserved it 4 041

Top comments

beccaishereyay 11

I feel like your dad may be the reason you need therapy...


that sucks you found out that way, but at least your father cares about your mental health. (: there's nothing to be ashamed of about going to tgerapy!

It would be a great time to talk about those parental snothering issues.

There's nothing wrong with going to therapy. Presumably, without knowing the details of what it was for, your dad is looking out for your well-being. Having friends or family that will intervene for you is a great thing that I wish I had.

randybryant799 20

I'm sure there's a reason for that.

A trick borne purely out of love. Can’t be mad at that.

heliosphere 1

At least your dad is involved in your life.