
By Karmas3itch - 12/05/2009 04:19 - United States

Today, I was taking a bath and needed shampoo. I leaned on the soap holder to get some and it came off the wall. Huge ants started pouring out running up the walls, down the walls, EVERYWHERE. I ran out of the bathroom screaming, completely naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 937
You deserved it 6 772

Same thing different taste

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17 - That would've been 10 times worse. Moths swarming the bathroom... *Shudders* Anyway, I feel horribly bad for you. I'd personally crying if this happened to me. xD

coffeennicotine 0

Okay, that's just really creepy and gross. I hate bugs! And I totally would have run out of the bathroom naked screaming too. Def. FYL. When I lived in California, I had a huge ant problem. Everyone there did. And I dumped some cereal into a bowl one morning and just ants poured out. So I can relate. And to the person who said there must be a reason for ants, it depends on where you live. Like in California, they were attracted to the water in your house, then they'd find your food. I'm a clean freak, and I still had them. It was horrible. So there's not always a reason.

There used to be a hole on the corner of my sink in the wall and my brother left a mountain dew on the sink and a bunch of sugar ants were all over th sink the next day when I went to take a shower.

foreverxalwaysx 0

Ewww. I probably would have grabbed a towel on my way out though.

OH MY GOD, THAT IS SO AWFUL!!!!!!!! FYLxinfinity

Jwocky 0

In my experience, termites don't "pour out" of the walls. Plus, they're winged and only slightly resemble ants. These sound like Carpenter Ants, which I've also had, and which are freaking SCARY. The queens can be over an inch long and can FLY, and the workers/drones anywhere from 1/2 an inch to nearly an inch. And they really do swarm. Click the link by my name or go here for a picture that shows their size:

thereitgo 1

holy shit, i would've probably done the same thing. i would be scared to ****** ever step in the shower again lmao.

why_me777 0

i would do the exact thing. that would disgust and scare me so much. i wouldnt be able to go to the bathroom ever again. its even worse because i have ocd, so that would keep me up at night... i agree with you 16. that sucks. call the exterminator.

It's happened to me before, I accidentaly knocked this bar thing out of place, ants came pouring out. After we got rid of the ants and a few years later. I got stuck in the bathtub because I got too much soap. I kept slipping, I got wedged between the walls of the narrow tub. I accidentaly put my knee through the tub. Luckily it was empty. Luckily, there were no ants in there. I still torpedo'd out because I thought there would be bugs.