Is this a joke?

By phantomdriver - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my cab driver told me about the time he tried to commit suicide by driving off a bridge… while we were crossing a river. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 605
You deserved it 3 682

Top comments

KelceyLoves 0

the thought must've driven you over the edge!

perdix 29

What a hack! He just stole the plot from "Unknown." Was he tired of stealing Robert DeNiro's "Are you talkin' to me?" routine after 20+ years?


That's when you go I was arrested for shooting a guy. Show him you can joke back.

luisit11 0

i would just laugh cus the thought of him trying to commit suicide the same way twice seems a little unlikely

uncbballwins 0

I admire your relentlessness

You should have egged him on, man. You would be on television, man! Yeah, man.

olivia_r 0

That sounds like an excellent idea.

perdix 29

He was just trying to get a big tip. When you get to your destination, he'll say "I restrained myself and we're both here alive..." as he stretches out his hand for the moolah.

brunettegurly 0

haha when I have kids I'm gonna do that..

OMFG your pic is soooooo disgusting lool

sixfoot2 0

guess he didn't try hard enough...

omfgfmlisgreat 2

I love all of 71's comments...I wish I could be as cool as him one day.