Is this a joke?

By phantomdriver - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my cab driver told me about the time he tried to commit suicide by driving off a bridge… while we were crossing a river. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 605
You deserved it 3 682

Top comments

KelceyLoves 0

the thought must've driven you over the edge!

perdix 29

What a hack! He just stole the plot from "Unknown." Was he tired of stealing Robert DeNiro's "Are you talkin' to me?" routine after 20+ years?


RosiePatosie 0

hahaha at least he didn't do it?

wehn92 10

Your still alive, be grateful. He could have tried again.

BrassKnucklez69 0

dengg i wulda told him to let me out the car.!

there's no way the cab driver would have done it. the fact that he was even telling the story said that he was over it and the thought just came to mind.

Oh do you know the cab driver personally do you? That's like saying there's no way a person would murder another person.

awsomeshopper 0

just give him false hopes and tell him everything is gonna be allright. when yu get to your destination run and dont pay him.

If they don't pay him, he's gonna chase them down with his car!

Okay new plan!! Dress up as a ninja and hide in the police station! The most obvious spots are hard to find.

This person again... ugh so frustrating reading these comments... but I guess it's my own fault for reading them

dirtyblond 4

#142 who are yu.? since yu remenber me i most be someone outstanding in the whole fml app.

omfgfmlisgreat 2

All I can say is get out and RUN!!!