Is this a joke?

By phantomdriver - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, my cab driver told me about the time he tried to commit suicide by driving off a bridge… while we were crossing a river. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 605
You deserved it 3 682

Top comments

KelceyLoves 0

the thought must've driven you over the edge!

perdix 29

What a hack! He just stole the plot from "Unknown." Was he tired of stealing Robert DeNiro's "Are you talkin' to me?" routine after 20+ years?


I have a huge phobia of heights and of cars, so I'm pretty sure idve needed a clean pair of pants after that.

I am too!! so I would've probably freaked

i have a phobia of people that have phobias so if you could not stand so close to me... wait, what are you doing... stay away... noooo... (static)

Rees a theory that whatever phobias you posses now are the cause of your death in a previous life. Fun to think about.

SittingInTheSky 6

Translation "I CANNOT SPELL"

briidontgive_ 0

Ohhh would have made my stomache hurt :/ scaryy !

I'm sure telling people that, can't possibly be good for business...

chlobo13 0

hahaha am I the only one who thinks this driver was just having fun with the stiff passenger? xD

chlobo13 0

Win!! xD I dont stand alone ^.^

hunt98 0

call thhe ccops thhat's hrassmennt

Yeah, no idea how that's harassment, 22. Makes me wonder if he was smiling when he said it, just to see the look on OP's face.

i appologize for this comment: dude, this is in Canada not the U.S. Of A, we cant go around sueing someone cause they bought the last chocolate bar.

Guess you know not to ask how the cab driver is doing, ehh? Should've patted him on the back and gave him false hope that everything is gonna be okay.