It hurts

By dogbait - 14/02/2010 05:07 - France

Today, my neighbor's dog bit me, it was extremely painful. The gash in my leg was deep and bleeding like crazy. When I finally got into my house screaming in agonizing pain, my mother said "Quit bitching, walk it off and you'll be fine." My leg is purple now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 075
You deserved it 3 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you sue the owners

soozjw 2

Yes you need to get it looked at. It could get infected.


Angejolie 0

you need to call animal control before that dog kills you next time.

garuru 4

are u stupid number one theres rabies and a gash on ur leg if not treated properly could get infected

well first go to the er because rabies is a bitch....a dog bit me on the ass once and it hurt like hell fyl

You need to go to the doctor if you are old enough to drive. You could end up with a serious infection. People have lost limbs due to bad animal bites. If you're underage you need to call the police, and file reports with DCFS and Animal Control if necessary.

That dog needs to catch a bad case of high velocity lead poisoning.

You Know you can sue them? I think. And if you really are pissed you can put the dog down.