It's a conspiracy!

By Help - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my family dragged me to an Alien-themed museum. They're convinced they were once abducted and felt up by creatures from outer space. They talk, and spend all their money, on nothing else. I'm hungry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 749
You deserved it 2 982

Top comments

allinicolesmh 0

Ask your leader to make you a sandwich then..

jumpshot23 0

Time for someone to go beyond the final frontier and get a job!


well why else would your dad feel like he was anal raped after he stumbled into that cornfield

kelsey_katie 17

I've been to the alien museum!! Down in good ol' Roswell, NM! Lol. Kinda interesting, lol(:

I noticed you are from the MOST boring state in the USA. Do you live in New Mexico like me?

kelsey_katie 17

Yes. As a matter of fact I do(:

You never know what is out there in this huge universe... If humans and animals are amazing then imagine what can be on other planets.. It's a pretty cool concept to think about, really. :)

ImmaB3AST 7

An alien world filled with Megan Foxes all over. ****. Why'd they cancel space traveling in the u.s. :(

15- I think it's ignorant for people to think there isn't other life in existence. Of the 8 planets in our solar system (Poor Pluto...) one bears life for sure. That's 12.5 percent of planets in one solar system... Out of how many in the galaxy, then how many galaxies? Just because we haven't found it does not mean it's not there.

12.5 percent does not relate to other solar systems, which we have checked. Plus, why search for a needle in a hay stack when we have our own questions to answer? We could be trying to cross that 13 billion year obstacle and look through a telescope 14 billion years away. Think about what we'd see.

there probably is other life somewhere in the universe but if they come to earth when why hasn't anyone got like a video of a picture or like a temple built for aliens

I feel sorry for Pluto too. Poor little guy :(.

Since we clearly have some enthusiasts around, here's something I always wondered; why did the first reports of "flying saucers" originate after a public dissemination of a sighting in which someone gave a description of a UFO in which they were -misunderstood- to have seen a saucer-shaped object? Did the aliens just hear this report and decide to redesign their crafts to conform to our expectations? I can only think of that explanation plus one other I likely need not elaborate on.

if plutos not a planet..then midgets arnt people...?


Aliens aren't real so instead of having NASA waste billions of dollars looking for life on other planets, they should make life on earth better with the money.

limblessorphan 4

Maybe you should tell them that the aliens mistook them for a bunch of cows...

milou_fml 6

sounds kinda like they liked it

Once you're old enough, move out and get a job. And don't support them when they're old and senile...I'm sure the aliens will take care of them.

yourlifeisbetter_fml 0

Only if they pleased the aliens... But it sounds like they only got to second base.

MEM0817 18

Can you say coo coo? Your family is nuts, much like mine. I feel for you...

xxxheidichickxxx 0

My mom is convinced she was abducted too!